I say, You say - Septiembre 2016

Intro - Santander Abel Pérez

Hello everybody, my name is Santander Abel and I have been working at Politecnico for 13 years. I began to work as a security guard, by that time I thought how I could change my future and suddenly an idea came to my mind, to study English by myself. So I started this wonderful process and doubtless I can say it was the best decision I ever have made; it definitely changed my life.


To know English has allowed me to open many doors; one of them was that I won a scholarship so I had the chance to go to a university and finish a professional program, that’s why, I am a manager at the Virtual Education area at Politécnico Grancolombiano. To learn English not only changed my future, but even better it has motivated other relatives of mine to change their perspectives about life. 

On the other hand I've always been a dreamer; for instance, when I was a child I had a dream to be a professional, I mean a teacher or an executive or something like that, but I come from a peasant family and they didn’t have enough money to pay me some university studies in order to achieve that goal. Nevertheless, learning English made my dream come true. So dear friends to learn English can change your lives as it has made with me.


As I told you previously, I learnt English on my own several years ago. I used a method made for people who want to learn English by themselves; without any tools which we possess currently; so I think nowadays it is easier to do it because we have a powerful tool called Internet. With Internet we can find many resources, like podcasts, Mp3 files, videos, films, documentaries, etcetera, all these kind of resources help us to make our process shorter.

I also want to tell you that the key to success in any process is motivation and this is not the exception; for example in my case even today I continue with the same motivation to learn much more about English, that’s why currently I am teaching an English course for my co-workers; it was another way that I found to keep in touch with that language, so I am so happy with this wonderful experience, which gives me personal satisfaction.

Well, I want to encourage all of you who are learning English to continue with it and soon you are going to discover how your life in will change a good way; to learn a second language opens your mind, and you will have the opportunity to enjoy many more things.


Bye for now until next time.




Santander Abel Pérez

Hola! Soy Santander, grancolombiano desde el 2003, año en el que llegué al Poli como miembro del equipo de vigilancia y seguridad de la Institución. Actualmente me desempeño como analista de servicios de educación virtual, cargo al que fui promovido hace 5 años, cuando estaba terminando mi carrera profesional en Administración de Empresas .

Hace algún tiempo tomé la iniciativa de estudiar inglés porque sé lo valioso que es el conocimiento de una segunda lengua en el entorno laboral; y como el buen autodidacta que soy, aquí les comparto mi artículo, para que conozca mi experiencia con el idioma y los resultados que he logrado. 

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